Recent Changes in Linux4SAM Web retrieved at 10:09 (GMT)

Using I2SC (Inter IC Sound Controller) Introduction This page explains how to enable and configure I2SC from SAMA5D2 and SAM9X60 SoCs to an external codec, using...
Media controller pipeline for image acquisition and SAM MPU products Introduction Starting from kernel version linux 5.15 at91 and mainline 6.2, MPU products Linux...
Image Sensor Controller White balance features These features are available and apply only for the Atmel Image sensor controller . They do not apply for the Image...
SAMA7G5 Image Acquisition pipeline Introduction This page is a complete reference to SAMA7G5 image acquisition pipeline capabilities, focusing on the software for...
External Component on External Bus Interface Introduction The External Bus Interface is designed to ensure the successful data transfer between several external...
SAMA7G5 and Omnivision OV7740 This page describes the possibility of connecting a parallel sensor (example given is Omnivision ov7740) to the SAMA7G5 MPU. The board...
Using ASRC (Asynchronous Sample Rate Converter) Introduction This page explains the usage of ASRC, available in SAMA7G5 SoCs. The Asynchronous Sample Rate Converter...
Thermal management support on SAMA7G5 Introduction SAMA7G5 support thermal management. The in SoC temperature sensor is connected to channel 31 of ADC. Starting with...
Using the SAMA5D2 compatible ADC device Introduction This page describes how to test the features of the SAMA5D2 compatible ADC device. This driver uses the Industrial...
Using systemd Introduction This section provides a guide on configuring and using systemd, the advanced system, and the service manager on target. Systemd...
FAQ classification base form of Linux4SAM This is the base form for classification for Linux4SAM. Form Definition Name Type Size Values Tooltip...
Recent update of FAQ This is the recent update of FAQ based on classification defined by WebFaqBaseForm FAQ updates by Boards $ Sama5d29Curiosity: $ Sam9x60Curiosity...
Linux Kernel 6.6 Linux 6.6 for MPU source code The Linux kernel for Microchip ARM Based MPUs (aka AT91) is distributed as a GIT tree hosted on GitHub as a...
Demo archives linux4microchip 2024.04 Pre built Demo Demo archives linux4microchip 2023.10 Pre built Demo Demo archives linux4microchip...
How to use WILC3000 on SAM development boards Introduction This page describes how WILC3000 devices could be used on SAM development boards. Supported devices...
How to build Buildroot for AT91 Prerequisites Host build system should be a Linux system with software installed. In addition to these required packages, you should...
Buildroot Introduction Buildroot is a simple, efficient and easy to use tool to generate embedded Linux systems through cross compilation` It uses the Linux...
You can easily download DT Overlay source code from GitHub DT Overlays repository: clone the Linux4Microchip GitHub DT Overlay repository $ git clone https...
Common to most of the boards Serial terminal configuration common Exceptions: sama5d2 revision A , only to access the ROMCode through serial interface and...
Setup ARM Cross Compiler 13.2 rel1 First step is to dowload the ARM GNU Toolchain: wget c /media/Files/downloads/gnu/13.2.rel...

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r1 - 15 Nov 2006 - 19:43:52 - TWikiContributor
Linux & Open Source for AT91 Microchip Microprocessors

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