Recent Changes in Linux4SAM Web retrieved at 14:57 (GMT)

Real Time solutions on AT91SAM SoC Introduction This page aims at presenting the two most important real time Linux solutions, their setup and the expected performances...
Enable and Configure PMECC (Programmable Multibit ECC) in AT91SAM SoC Introduction This page is mainly about how to enable and configure the PMECC in AT91SAM...
How to use Microchip AT91 power management modes Introduction This page describes the way Microchip AT91 power management modes could be used in Linux. Available...
Now you should have the Linux demo up`n running on your board ! You can access the Linux console through the serial line as explained just above Use the root login...
How to patch Device Tree Blob in U boot using Overlays How it works How to patch Device Tree Blob in U boot using Overlays Starting from U boot 2018.07 released...
How to use record audio stream with PDMIC Introduction The Pulse Density Modulation Interface Controller (PDMIC) is a mono PDM interface controller and decoder that...
PDA detection at boot time Introduction Starting with U boot 2018.07, U boot can autodetect which PDA screen is connected (if any is connected). How it works PDA...
Like in the Getting Started document, it is admitted that your OpenEmbedded building environment is located in /stuff/ directory (it may correspond to a working...
OpenEmbedded / Angstrom : use the demo root filesystem Boot to the installed rootfs Check Load Linux with u boot chapter in the u boot page to know how to load...
OpenEmbedded / Angstrom : get demo binaries Root file system pre built images The Root file system images are images of jffs2 filesystems containing a entire...
OpenEmbedded / Angstrom : build from sources How to build Angstrom for AT91 Note that building an entire distribution is a long process. It also requires a big...
OpenEmbedded / Angstrom Introduction is a powerful building environment. http://www.angstrom Angstrom uses this environment to bring up...
OpenEmbedded / Angstrom papers and presentations Papers and presentations 2004 to the GPE Palmtop Environment and the OpenEmbedded Project 2005 Embedded...
OpenEmbedded / Angstrom Demo Requirements SAM board power supply Serial, USB Ethernet cables USB hub USB keyboard mouse USB key...
Like in the Getting Started document, it is admitted that your OpenEmbedded building environment is located in /stuff/ directory (it may correspond to a working...
Like in the Getting Started document, it is admitted that your OpenEmbedded building environment is located in /stuff/ directory (it may correspond to a working...
Login only available to Linux4SAM website creators. Login This is not a collaborative portal but feel free to post comments or enhancements through the LinksToCommunities...
Hi, Here is are some updates on the Linux related topics for March 2016. Table of contents: Linux kernel 4.5 The new release of the Linux kernel, 4.5, was published...
Hi all, It has been a busy end of year 2015 and beginning of 2016: So let`s share with you some of the enhancements added to our Linux offer. Don`t hesitate to follow...

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r1 - 15 Nov 2006 - 19:43:52 - TWikiContributor
Linux & Open Source for AT91 Microchip Microprocessors

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