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Results from Linux4SAM web retrieved at 10:46 (GMT)

BleTransparentService This demo application demonstrates to user on how to use transparent service of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). This is a custom/user defined profile...
BluetoothHeartRateProfile This demo application provides experience to user for heart rate profile of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). Application sends the data over...
Boot Logo for SAM SOC`s Introduction Using a splash screen or a boot logo is a good idea to display something on the LCD screen to the user till Linux boots completely...
Build QT Demo for AT91SAM9N12 EK Introduction OpenEmbedded is a powerful building environment. OpenEmbedded has good support for porting Nokia QT to various...
Unable to build gst1 at91 gstreamer plug in in Buildroot Description When trying to build Buildroot with its associated buildroot external microchip git tree, it...
Unable to build OpenWrt with Ubuntu 20.04/21.04 Description When trying to build OpenWrt with linux4sam 2020.10 tag, it fails to complete the build on an Ubuntu...
Compiling Linux Kernel fails looking at OpenSSL header files Description While compiling the Linux kernel, some error described below are met with the scripts/sign...
Buildroot Introduction Buildroot is a simple, efficient and easy to use tool to generate embedded Linux systems through cross compilation` It uses the Linux...
How to build Buildroot for AT91 Prerequisites Host build system should be a Linux system with software installed. In addition to these required packages, you should...
Buildroot FAQ What are the prerequisites to use jffs2 root filesystem? A: You should enable the following kernel config Memory Technology Device (MTD) support...
Get Buildroot Root filesystem pre built images The root filesystem images are jffs2 or ubi filesystem images containing an entire embedded Linux system....
BuildRoot : use the demo root filesystem Flash the rootfs image Note that the root file system is installed at offset 0x800000 in the nand flash. From a Linux...
build BuildRoot for AT91SAM9x5 family Introduction Buildroot is used to build the cross tool chain, a small root filesystem image of different types (jffs2,...
Build BuildRoot for AT91SAM9N12 EK Introduction Buildroot is used to build the cross tool chain, a small root filesystem image of different types (jffs2, tar...
Number of topics: 15
r187 - 28 May 2024 - 15:17:35 - CristianBirsan
Linux & Open Source for AT91 Microchip Microprocessors

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