Recent Changes in Linux4SAM Web retrieved at 23:10 (GMT)

Legacy Getting Started Page for AT91SAM9N12 EK Introduction This page is a starting point for the Linux4SAM offer and allows you to easily get a running embedded...
Legacy Getting Started Introduction This page is a starting point for the Linux4SAM offer and allows you to easily get a running embedded Linux distribution...
Legacy AT91Bootstrap Introduction AT91Bootstrap is a first step bootloader providing a set of algorithms to manage hardware initialization (GPIO, Clock, SDRAM...
Known Issues Linux4SAM 2022.04 Unable to build gst1 at91 gstreamer plug in in Buildroot Linux4SAM 2020.10 Unable to build OpenWrt with Ubuntu 20.04
Common to most of the boards Serial terminal configuration common Exceptions: sama5d2 revision A , only to access the ROMCode through serial interface and...
Use of the AT91 ADC driver Introduction This is the description of the Microchip AT91 ADC driver. It is used for SoC based on ARM9 cores and SAMA5D3 and SAMA5D...
Image Sensor Controller White balance features These features are available and apply only for the Atmel Image sensor controller . They do not apply for the Image...
Home Automation Demo Tips Tricks Demo revision Make sure that you have the latest demo revision: be sure to run Demo version 4.2 onwards . Compared to demo shipped...
Hash error when booting FIT image How does the issue manifest Starting from U boot 2021.04 released in Linux4SAM 2021.04, you could notice the following error when...
GUI Solutions Crank Software Storyboard Suite for Atmel Microcontrollers Create rich UIs for Atmel Microcontrollers quickly and with ease using Crank Software...

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r1 - 15 Nov 2006 - 19:43:52 - TWikiContributor
Linux & Open Source for AT91 Microchip Microprocessors

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