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Results from Linux4SAM web retrieved at 09:18 (GMT)

FAQ about Linux support on AT91SAM9N12 EK How to use BuildRoot with an old Linux distribution? A: We have experienced some troubles using BuildRoot on old Linux...
FAQ about AT91SAM9x5 SoC family How to use BuildRoot with an old Linux distribution? A: We have experienced some troubles using BuildRoot on old Linux distribution...
Flash an UBI/UBIFS root filesystem Introduction This section describes how to load a UBI root filesystem image into the NAND FLASH of the board with SAM BA and...
Flash an UBI/UBIFS root filesystem Introduction This section describes how to load a UBI root filesystem image into the NAND FLASH of the board with SAM BA and...
Number of topics: 4
r187 - 28 May 2024 - 15:17:35 - CristianBirsan
Linux & Open Source for AT91 Microchip Microprocessors

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