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ACTIVATEDPLUGINS -- list of currently activated plugins

ADDTOHEAD -- add HTML to the HTML head section of the current page

  • Useful for TWiki applications to add custom CSS or JavaScript to the HTML head section of a topic. Supplied TWiki variables will be expanded. %ADDTOHEAD{}% expands in-place to an empty string, unless there is an error in which case the variable expands to an error string.
  • Syntax: %ADDTOHEAD{ "..." text="..." }%
  • Supported parameters:
Parameter: Description: Comment:
"..." ID of the head block, such as "MY_CSS" Optional but recommended
text="..." HTML text to add to the head section Mutually exclusive with topic=""
topic="Web.TopicName" Name of topic that contains the full HTML text to add to the head section, such as topic="Main.MyCssTopic" Mutually exclusive with text=""
section="name" If topic parameter is used, includes only the specified named section, as defined in the topic by the STARTSECTION and ENDSECTION variables. Nothing is shown if the named section does not exists. section="" is equivalent to not specifying a section Optional
requires="..., ..." Comma-separated list of other IDs this one depends on Optional

CALC{"formula"} -- add spreadsheet calculations to tables

  • The %CALC{formula}% variable is handled by the SpreadSheetPlugin. Over 100 functions are available, such as $ABS(), $EXACT(), $EXISTS(), $GET()/$SET(), $IF(), $LOG(), $LOWER(), $PERCENTILE(), $TIME(), $VALUE().
  • Syntax: %CALC{formula}%
  • Examples:
    • %CALC{$SUM($ABOVE())}% returns the sum of all cells above the current cell
    • %CALC{$EXISTS(Web.SomeTopic)}% returns 1 if the topic exists
    • %CALC{$UPPER(Collaboration)}% returns COLLABORATION
  • Note: The CALC variable is handled with delay compared to other TWiki variables. You may get unexpected results if you nest CALC inside other variables (such as %INCLUDE{%CALC{...}%}%) because it does not get evaluated inside-out & left-to-right like ordinary TWiki variables. Use CALCULATE if you nest variables.
  • Category: DevelopmentVariables, TablesAndSpreadsheetsVariables
  • Related: CALCULATE, IF, IfStatements, SpreadSheetPlugin (this topic)

CALCULATE{"formula"} -- handle spreadsheet calculations outside tables

  • The %CALCULATE{formula}% variable is handled by the SpreadSheetPlugin. Over 100 functions are available, such as $ABS(), $EXACT(), $EXISTS(), $GET()/$SET(), $IF(), $LOG(), $LOWER(), $PERCENTILE(), $TIME(), $VALUE().
  • Syntax: %CALC{formula}%
  • Examples:
    • %CALC{$EXISTS(Web.SomeTopic)}% returns 1 if the topic exists
    • %CALC{$UPPER(Collaboration)}% returns COLLABORATION
  • Note: The CALCULATE variable is handled inside-out & left-to-right like ordinary TWiki variables, but it does not support functions that refer to table cells, such as $LEFT() or $T(). Use CALC instead.
  • Category: DevelopmentVariables, TablesAndSpreadsheetsVariables
  • Related: CALC, IF, IfStatements, SpreadSheetPlugin (this topic)

DASHBOARD -- build a dashboard with banner and boxes

EDITFORMFIELD{"fieldname" form=""} -- render an input field specified in a form template topic

  • Use this to create HTML forms that update TWikiForms, such as a custom "create new topic" form, or a topic header that allows users to change some form values at the top of the page. A valid form is composed of a start form type, various form fields, a submit type, and an end form type.
  • Syntax:
    • %EDITFORMFIELD{"fieldname" form="...Form"}% - create form field defined in a TWiki Form template
    • %EDITFORMFIELD{"fieldname" topic="..."}% - create form field based on a topic that has a TWiki Form & initialize its value
    • %EDITFORMFIELD{"fieldname" type="..."}% - create an HTML input field
  • Supported parameters:
Parameter: Description: Default:
"fieldname" The name of a TWiki form field or HTML form field. Required
form="..." Name of form template topic, such as "BugForm". Specify topic name or Web.TopicName Either form or topic
is required unless
type is specified
topic="..." Name of topic containing form, such as "Bug1234". Specify topic name or Web.TopicName
format="..." Format string. Supported variables:
$inputfield - rendered form input field.
$title - raw field name (includes space and other special characters).
$name - field name (sanitized title).
$size - size of field or selector.
$value - initial value, or select options.
$tooltip - tooltip message.
$attributes - type attributes, such as H for hidden, M for mandatory.
$extra - extra information, such as * for mandatory field.
See details in TWikiForms#FormFieldTypes. This parameter is ignored if type="..." is specified.
value="..." Initial value of input field. If omitted and if topic="..." is specified, the value is taken from the named form field. ""
type="start" Special case: Start an HTML form. Parameters:
"form" type="start" action="save" topic="..." method=""
action: Specify a TWiki script (view, edit, save, ...), or a full action URL, default "view".
topic: Specify topic name or Web.TopicName, default current topic; ignored if full action URL is provided.
method: HTML form action method, default "post" for save action, else "get".
type="end" Special case: End an HTML form. Parameters:
"form" type="end"
type="..." Special case: Create an input field regardless of the type defined in the TWikiForm. Used mainly for hidden fields and submit button. The nameless parameter is the field name. Supported types:
"fieldname" type="hidden" value="..." - hidden input field.
"fieldname" type="submit" value="..." - submit button, value is button label.
"fieldname" type="button" value="..." onclick="..." - regular button, value is button label.
"fieldname" type="text" value="..." size="80" - text input field.
"fieldname" type="checkbox" value="..." text="..." - checkbox, text is display text.
"fieldname" type="radio" value="..." text="..." - radio button, text is display text.
• In addition, any valid XHML and HTML5 input type is supported, such as type="date", type="file", type="image".
Additional type-specific parameters can be supplied, such as alt="", checked="checked", class="", max="", min="", src="", style="", width="". Consult HTML documentation.

ENCODE{string} -- encode a string to URL or HTML entities

  • Encode "special" characters to HTML numeric entities or to URL entities.
  • Encoded characters:
    • all non-printable ASCII characters below space, except newline ("\n") and linefeed ("\r")
    • HTML special characters "<", ">", "&", single quote (') and double quote (")
    • TWiki special characters "%", "[", "]", "@", "_", "*", "=" and "|"
  • Syntax: %ENCODE{"string"}%
  • Supported parameters:
Parameter: Description: Default:
"string" String to encode required (can be empty)
type="url" Encode special characters for URL parameter use, like a double quote into %22 (this is the default)
type="quotes" Escape double quotes with backslashes (\"), does not change other characters. This type does not protect against cross-site scripting. type="url"
type="moderate" Encode special characters into HTML entities for moderate cross-site scripting protection: "<", ">", single quote (') and double quote (") are encoded. Useful to allow TWiki variables in comment boxes. type="url"
type="safe" Encode special characters into HTML entities for cross-site scripting protection: "<", ">", "%", single quote (') and double quote (") are encoded. type="url"
type="entity" Encode special characters into HTML entities, like a double quote into &#034;. Does not encode newline (\n) or linefeed (\r). type="url"
extra=" $n$r"
For type="entity" only, use the extra parameter to encode additional characters to HTML numeric entities. Formatting tokens can be used, such as "$n" for newline. Note that type="entity" extra=" $n$r" is equivalent to type="html". type="url"
type="html" Encode special characters into HTML entities. In addition to type="entity", it also encodes space, \n and \r. Useful to encode text properly in HTML input fields. See equivalent ENTITY. type="url"
  • Examples:
    • %ENCODE{"spaced name"}% expands to spaced%20name
    • %ENCODE{"spaced name" type="entity" extra=" "}% expands to spaced&#32;name
  • Notes:
    • Values of HTML input fields should be encoded as "html". A shorter %ENTITY{any text}% can be used instead of the more verbose %ENCODE{ "any text" type="html" }%.
      Example: <input type="text" name="address" value="%ENTITY{any text}%" />
    • Double quotes in strings must be escaped when passed into other TWiki variables.
      Example: %SEARCH{ "%ENCODE{ "string with "quotes"" type="quotes" }%" noheader="on" }%
    • Use type="moderate", type="safe", type="entity" or type="html" to protect user input from URL parameters and external sources against cross-site scripting (XSS). type="html" is the safest mode, but some TWiki applications might not work. type="safe" provides a safe middle ground, type="moderate" provides only moderate cross-site scripting protection.
  • Category: ApplicationsAndComponentsVariables, DevelopmentVariables, ExportAndPublishingVariables

ENDSECTION{"name"} -- marks the end of a named section within a topic

  • Syntax: %ENDSECTION{"name"}%
  • Syntax: %ENDSECTION{type="include"}%
  • Syntax: %ENDSECTION{type="templateonly"}%
  • Syntax: %ENDSECTION{type="expandvariables"}%
  • Supported parameter:
Parameter: Description:
"name" Name of the section.
type="..." Type of the section being terminated; supported types "section", "include", "templateonly", "expandvariables"

ENTITY{string} -- encode a string to HTML entities

  • Encode "special" characters to HTML entities. Useful to encode text properly for HTML input fields.
  • Encoded characters:
    • all non-printable ASCII characters below space, including newline ("\n") and linefeed ("\r")
    • Space
    • HTML special characters "<", ">", "&", single quote (') and double quote (")
    • TWiki special characters "%", "[", "]", "@", "_", "*", "=" and "|"
  • Syntax: %ENTITY{string}%
  • Example: %ENTITY{text with "quotes" and
    expands to text&#32;with&#32;&#34;quotes&#34;&#32;and&#10;newline
  • Notes:
    • To protect against cross-site scripting (XSS), always entity encode text intended for HTML input fields. This is especially true if text is received dynamically via URLPARAM or the like.
      Example: <input type="text" name="address" value="%ENTITY{any text}%" />
    • %ENTITY{string}% is roughly equivalent to %ENCODE{ "string" type="html" }%, but the latter cannot handle strings that have double quotes embedded in it.
  • Category: DevelopmentVariables, FormattingAndRenderingVariables, ExportAndPublishingVariables

EXAMPLEVAR -- example variable

  • The %EXAMPLEVAR{}% variable is handled by the EmptyPlugin
  • Syntax: %EXAMPLEVAR{"text" format="..."}%
  • Parameter text="..." - example text.
  • Parameter format="..." - format of report.
  • Example: %EXAMPLEVAR{"hello" format="| $topic: $summary |"}%
  • Category: DevelopmentVariables
  • Related: EmptyPlugin (this topic)

FORMFIELD{"fieldname"} -- renders a field in the form attached to some topic

  • Syntax: %FORMFIELD{"fieldname"}%
  • Supported parameters:
Parameter: Description: Default:
"fieldname" The name of a TWiki form field required
topic="..." Topic where form data is located. May be of the form Web.TopicName Current topic
rev="..." Get the form field value from the specified topic revision, range "1" to top revision of topic. "0" is equivalent to the top revision The rev URL parameter value if present, otherwise the top revision
format="..." Format string. Supported variables:
$value - form field value
$value(20, -<br />) - value hyphenated every 20 characters using separator -<br />
$value(30, ...) - value shortened to 30 characters
$length - length of value (can be used to test if value is set)
$title - raw field name (includes space and other special characters)
$name - field name (sanitized title)
$attributes - form field attributes
$formtopic - name of form definition topic
default="..." Text shown when no value is defined for the field ""
alttext="..." Text shown when field is not found in the form ""
newline="$br" Convert newlines in textarea to other delimiters. Variable $br expands to <br /> tag, and $n to a newline. Other text is encoded based on encode parameter. no conversion
encode="html" Encode special characters into HTML entities. If a FORMFIELD is passed into an HTML form field it should be encoded as "html". Additional encodings available: encode="quote", encode="moderate", encode="safe", encode="entity" and encode="url". See ENCODE for details. "" (no encoding)

GET{"name"} -- get a variable

  • Get the value of a named variable, previously set with %SET{}%. The %SET{}% and %GET{}% variables are handled by the SetGetPlugin.
  • Syntax: %GET{ "name" default="..." }%
  • Parameters:
Parameter Description Default
"name" Name of variable. (required)
format="..." Format with supported variables:
$name for variable name
$value for variable value
$isdefined expanding to 1 or 0 depending if variable is defined or not
$isset expanding to 1 or 0 depending if variable is logically true or false
$ispersistent expanding to 1 or 0 depending if variable is persistent or not
• all FormatTokens such as $dollar, $n, $percnt.
default="..." Text shown if variable is not defined, e.g. not found. This parameter overrides the format parameter. "" (empty string)

IF{"condition" ...} -- simple conditionals

INCLUDE{"page"} -- include other topic or web page

  • Merges the content of a specified page into the current one before rendering.
  • Syntax: %INCLUDE{"page" ...}%
  • Supported parameters:
Parameter: Description: Default:
"SomeTopic" The name of a topic located in the current web, i.e. %INCLUDE{"WebNotify"}%  
"Web.Topic" A topic in another web, i.e. %INCLUDE{"TWiki.SiteMap"}%  
"http://..." A full qualified URL, i.e. %INCLUDE{""}%. Supported content types are text/html and text/plain by default. See allowanytype.
IDEA! if the URL resolves to an attachment file on the server this will automatically translate to a server-side include.
allowanytype="on" Suppress the content type checking in including the web page specified by a URL. disabled
pattern="..." Include a subset of a topic or a web page. Specify a RegularExpression that scans from start ('^') to end and contains the text you want to keep in parenthesis, e.g., pattern="^.*?(from here.*?to here).*". IncludeTopicsAndWebPages has more. none
headingoffset="2" Adjust the level of headings in the included topic. A "2" or "+2" increases the level by two, e.g. a ---+ H1 turns into a ---+++ H3. Positive and negative values are supported. Adjusted min and max levels are H1 and H6, respectively. no adjustment
hidetoc="on" Remove %TOC% in included content. Useful to show table of contents in individual topics, while suppressing them if included in a big master document. TOC_HIDE_IF_
rev="2" Include a previous topic revision; N/A for URLs top revision
raw="on" (for HTTP inclusion) When a page is included via HTTP, normally TWiki will process it, doing the following: 1) Alter relative links to point back to originating host, 2) Remove some basic HTML tags (html, head, body, script) and finally 3) Remove newlines from HTML tags spanning multiple lines. If you prefer to include exactly what is in the source of the originating page set this to on. raw="on" is short for disableremoveheaders="on", disableremovescript="on", disableremovebody="on", disablecompresstags="on" and disablerewriteurls="on". disabled
raw="on" (for topic inclusion) When a topic is included, normally TWiki variables in the included topic are expanded in the context of the inlcluded topic. If raw="on" is specified, that variable expansion does not happen. You may wonder what's that for and what are the implications, which are found out on IncludeTopicRaw.
Because of the "in the raw" nature of the parapmeter, if it's specified, parameters such as encode, headingoffset, hidetoc, newline, nofinalnewline, and section are ignored.
literal="on" While using the raw option will indeed include the raw content, the included content will still be processed and rendered like regular topic content. To disable parsing of the included content, set the literal option to "on". disabled
nofinalnewline="on" Delete the new line at the end of the result if exists disabled
newline="$br" Convert newlines in textarea to other delimiters. Variable $br expands to <br /> tag, and $n to a newline. Other text is encoded based on encode parameter. no conversion
encode="html" Encode special characters into HTML entities. If a FORMFIELD is passed into an HTML form field it should be encoded as "html". Additional encodings available: encode="quote", encode="moderate", encode="safe", encode="entity" and encode="url". See ENCODE for details. no encoding
disableremoveheaders="on" Bypass stripping headers from included HTML (everything until first </head> tag) disabled
disableremovescript="on" Bypass stripping all <script> tags from included HTML disabled
disableremovebody="on" Bypass stripping the </body> tag and everything around over and below it disabled
disablecompresstags="on" Bypass replacing newlines in HTML tags with spaces. This compression step rewrites unmatched <'s into &lt; entities unless bypassed disabled
disablerewriteurls="on" Bypass rewriting relative URLs into absolute ones disabled
disablefixlinks="on" Bypass fixing WikiWord links if include is done across webs. Fixing links in included text such as from SomeLink to Otherweb.SomeLink is usually desirable so that links in included text still point to the same target disabled
warn="off" Warn if topic include fails: Fail silently (if off); output default warning (if set to on); else, output specific text (use $topic for topic name) %INCLUDEWARNING% preferences setting
section="name" Includes only the specified named section, as defined in the included topic by the STARTSECTION and ENDSECTION variables. Nothing is shown if the named section does not exists. section="" is equivalent to not specifying a section  
PARAMONE="val 1"
PARAMTWO="val 2"
Any other parameter will be defined as a variable within the scope of the included topic. The example parameters on the left will result in %PARAMONE% and %PARAMTWO% being defined within the included topic. A default value for a variable can be specified in the included topic in case the corresponding parameter is not specified, such as %PARAMONE{ default="..." }%  

MAKETEXT -- creates text using TWiki's I18N infrastructure

  • Syntax: %MAKETEXT{"string" args="..."}%
  • Supported parameters:
Parameter Description Default
"text" or string="text" The text to be displayed. none
args="param1, param2" a comma-separated list of arguments to be interpolated in the string, replacing the [_N] placeholders in it. none
  • Examples:
    • %MAKETEXT{string="Notes:"}%
      expands to
    • %MAKETEXT{"If you have any questions, please contact [_1]." args="%WIKIWEBMASTER%"}%
      expands to
      If you have any questions, please contact
    • %MAKETEXT{"Did you want to [[[_1]][reset [_2]'s password]]?" args="%SYSTEMWEB%.ResetPassword,%WIKIUSERNAME%"}%
      expands to
      Did you want to reset Main.TWikiGuest's password?
  • Notes:
    • TWiki will translate the string to the current user's language only if it has such string in its translation table for that language.
    • Ampersands (&) followed by one letter (one of a...z, A...Z -- say, X) in the translatable string will be translated to <span class='twikiAccessKey'>X</span>. This is used to implement access keys. If you want to write an actual amperstand that stays just before a letter, write two consecutive amperstands (&&): they will be transformed in just one.
    • Translatable string starting with underscores (_) are reserved. You must not use translatable phrases starting with an underscore.
    • Make sure that the translatable string is constant. Specially, do not include %VARIABLES% inside the translatable strings (since they will get expanded before the %MAKETEXT{...}% itself is handled).
  • Category: DevelopmentVariables, FormattingAndRenderingVariables
  • Related: TWiki:Codev.UserInterfaceInternationalisation (on (this topic)

QUERYPARAMS -- show paramaters to the query

  • Expands the parameters to the query that was used to display the page.
  • Syntax: %QUERYPARAMS{...}%
  • Parameters:
    • format="..." format string for each entry, default $name=$value
    • separator="..." separator string, default separator="$n" (newline)
    • encode="..." the encoding to apply to parameter values; see ENCODE for a description of the available encodings. If this parameter is not given, no encoding is performed.
  • The following escape sequences are expanded in the format string:
Sequence: Expands To:
$name Name of the parameter
$value String value of the parameter. Multi-valued parameters will have a "row" for each value.
$n or $n() New line. Use $n() if followed by alphanumeric character, e.g. write Foo$n()Bar instead of Foo$nBar
$nop or $nop() Is a "no operation". This variable gets removed; useful for nested search
$quot or \" Double quote (")
$aquot Apostrophe quote (')
$percnt Percent sign (%)
$dollar Dollar sign ($)
$lt Less than sign (<)
$gt Greater than sign (>)

QUERYSTRING -- full, unprocessed string of parameters to this URL

  • String of all the URL parameters that were on the URL used to get to the current page. For example, if you add ?name=Samantha;age=24;eyes=blue to this URL you can see this in action. This string can be appended to a URL to pass parameter values on to another page.
  • ALERT! Note: URLs built this way are typically restricted in length, typically to 2048 characters. If you need more space than this, you will need to use an HTML form and %QUERYPARAMS%.
  • Syntax: %QUERYSTRING%
  • Expands to: search=;category=DevelopmentVariables
  • Category: DevelopmentVariables, SystemInformationVariables
  • Related: QUERYPARAMS, URLPARAM (this topic)

REMOTE_ADDR -- environment variable

REMOTE_PORT -- environment variable

REMOTE_USER -- environment variable

SCRIPTNAME -- name of current script

SCRIPTSUFFIX -- script suffix

SCRIPTURL -- base URL of TWiki scripts

SCRIPTURL{"script"} -- URL of TWiki script

  • Expands to the URL of the specified script. Optionally, you can specify a web and/or a topic. In that case, the URL of the script for the specified web and topic is returned.
  • If ReadOnlyAndMirrorWebs is in effect and a web is specified, whether the web is a slave or not is taken into account. For a slave web, with scripts edit, save, attach, upload, and rename, the URL on the master site is returned.
    For the other scripts, if the master="on" parameter is specified, the URL on the master site is returned.
  • Syntax: %SCRIPTURL{"script" ...}%
  • Supported parameters:
Parameter: Description: Default:
"script" The name of the script  
web="WEB" Specifies a web When a topic name is specified and a web is not, the current web is assumed
topic="TOPIC" or topic="WEB.TOPIC" Specifies a topic or both a web and a topic  
master="on" A URL on the master site is needed or not off
  • If web="WEB" is specified but topic is not specified, the resulting URL ends with WEB.
  • Example: To get the authenticated version of the current topic you can write %SCRIPTURL{"viewauth"}%/%WEB%/%TOPIC% which expands to It can be written %SCRIPTURL{"viewauth" topic="%TOPIC%"}% as well.
  • Example: Let's assume this site has a web named 'Flowers' whose master site is http://florawiki/cgi-bin. Then %SCRIPTURL{"edit" web="Flowers"}% expands to http://florawiki/cgi-bin/edit/Flowers. This is because the 'Flower' web on this site is a slave and editing needs to happen on the master site.
  • Example: Asuming above, %SCRIPTURL{"view" web="Flowers" master="on"}% expands to http://florawiki/cgi-bin/view/Flowers. The view script works on a slave site, but master="on" parameter forces to yield the master site URL.
  • Example: How to link to another topic with a URL parameter: [[%SCRIPTURL{view}%/%WEB%/MyQuery?food=sushi][Sushi]]
  • Note: In most cases you should use %SCRIPTURLPATH{"script"}% instead, as it works with URL rewriting much better
  • Category: DevelopmentVariables, SystemInformationVariables
  • Related: CONTENTMODE, PUBURL, SCRIPTNAME, SCRIPTSUFFIX, SCRIPTURL, SCRIPTURLPATH, SCRIPTURLPATH{"script"}, SITENAME, ReadOnlyAndMirrorWebs, MetadataRepository, TWikiScripts (this topic)

SCRIPTURLPATH -- base URL path of TWiki scripts

SCRIPTURLPATH{"script"} -- URL path of TWiki script

  • As %SCRIPTURL{"script"}%, but doesn't include the protocol and host part of the URL
  • Like %SCRIPTURL{"script"}%, this variable is aware of ReadOnlyAndMirrorWebs. So it may return a URL of a different site.
  • Syntax: %SCRIPTURLPATH{"script" ...}%
  • Supported parameters:
Parameter: Description: Default:
"script" The name of the script.  
web="WEB" Specifies a web When a topic name is specified and a web is not, the current web is assumed
topic="TOPIC" or topic="WEB.TOPIC" Specifies a topic or both a web and a topic  
master="on" A URL on the master site is needed or not. off

SEARCH{"text"} -- search content

  • Inline search, shows a search result embedded in a topic
  • Syntax: %SEARCH{"text" ...}%
  • Supported parameters:
Parameter: Description: Default:
"text" Search term. Is a keyword search, literal search, regular expression search, or query, depending on the type parameter. SearchHelp has more required
search="text" (Alternative to above) N/A
web="Main, Know"
Comma-separated list of webs to search. You can specifically exclude webs from an all search using a minus sign - for example, web="all,-Secretweb". The special word all means all webs that do not have the NOSEARCHALL variable set to on in their WebPreferences. Note that TWikiAccessControls are respected when searching webs; it is much better to use them than NOSEARCHALL. Current web
Limit search to topics: A topic, a topic with asterisk wildcards, or a list of topics separated by comma. Note this is a list of topic names and must not include web names. All topics in a web
excludetopic="WebHome, WebChanges"
Exclude topics from search: A topic, a topic with asterisk wildcards, or a list of topics separated by comma. Note this is a list of topic names and must not include web names. None
Search topic name (title); the text (body) of topic; or all (title and body) "text"
Control how the search is performed when scope="text" or scope="all"
keyword: use Google-like controls as in soap "web service" -shampoo; searches word parts: using the example, topics with "soapsuds" will be found as well, but topics with "shampoos" will be excluded
word: identical to keyword but searches whole words: topics with "soapsuds" will not be found, and topics with "shampoos" will not be excluded
literal: search for the exact string, like web service
regex: use a RegularExpression search like soap;web service;!shampoo; to search on whole words use \bsoap\b
query: query search of form fields and other meta-data, like (Firstname='Emma' OR Firstname='John') AND Lastname='Peel'
%SEARCHVAR- DEFAULTTYPE% preferences setting (literal)
Sort the results of search by the topic names, topic creation time, last modified time, last editor, parent topic name, or named field of TWikiForms. The sorting is done web by web; if you want to sort across webs, create a formatted table and sort it with TablePlugin's initsort. Note that dates are sorted most recent date last (i.e at the bottom of the table). Legacy order parameter is used in case sort is not specified. Sort by topic name
Specify the number of results to skip. This is done after sorting if sort parameter is specified. This is intended for pagination of results. If this parameter is specified, %NTOPICS% in the search template is replaced with the number of topics matched. Without this parameter, %NTOPICS% doesn't exceed the limit value. No results skipped
Limit the number of results returned. This is done after sorting if sort parameter is specified. This parameter specifing the number of results remains the same in the presense of the start parameter. Assuming there are more than 20 results matched, start="10" limit="10" results in 11th to 20th results are returned All results
date="..." limits the results to those pages with latest edit time in the given time interval. All results
createdate="..." similar to date but it's about create time instead of last edit. You can specify both date and createdate, in which case topics matching both conditions are shown. All results
reverse="on" Reverse the direction of the search Ascending search
casesensitive="on" Case sensitive search Ignore case
bookview="on" BookView search, e.g. show complete topic text Show topic summary
nonoise="on" Shorthand for nosummary="on" nosearch="on" nototal="on" zeroresults="off" noheader="on" noempty="on" Off
nosummary="on" Show topic title only Show topic summary
nosearch="on" Suppress search string Show search string
noheader="on" Suppress default search header
Topics: Changed: By: , unless a header is explicitly specified
Show default search header, unless search is inline and a format is specified (Cairo compatibility)
nototal="on" Do not show number of topics found Show number
zeroresults="off" Suppress all output if there are no hits zeroresults="on", displays: "Number of topics: 0"
noempty="on" Suppress results for webs that have no hits. Show webs with no hits
headingoffset="2" Adjust the level of headings in text of topics found, taking effect in $text and $pattern() of a FormattedSearch. A "2" or "+2" increases the level by two, e.g. a ---+ H1 turns into a ---+++ H3. Positive and negative values are supported. Adjusted min and max levels are H1 and H6, respectively. no adjustment
Custom format results. See FormattedSearch for usage, variables & examples Results in table
default="..." Default message if there are no hits in a web. See FormattedSearch for usage, variables & examples No output
expandvariables="on" Expand variables before applying a FormattedSearch on a search hit. Useful to show the expanded text, e.g. to show the result of a SpreadSheetPlugin %CALC{}% instead of the formula Raw text
multiple="on" Multiple hits per topic. Each hit can be formatted. The last token is used in case of a regular expression ";" and search Only one hit per topic
nofinalnewline="on" If on, the search variable does not end in a line by itself. Any text continuing immediately after the search variable on the same line will be rendered as part of the table generated by the search, if appropriate. off
recurse="on" Recurse into subwebs, if subwebs are enabled. off
separator=", " Line separator between search hits "$n" (Newline)
newline="%BR%" Line separator within a search hit. Useful if you want to put multi-line content into a table cell, for example if the format="" parameter contains a $pattern() that captures more than one line, or contains a $formfield() that returns a multi-line textfield. "$n" (Newline)
encode="html" Encode special characters into HTML entities. If a FORMFIELD is passed into an HTML form field it should be encoded as "html". Additional encodings available: encode="quote", encode="moderate", encode="safe", encode="entity" and encode="url". See ENCODE for details. no encoding

SESSIONID -- unique ID for this session

SESSIONVAR -- name of CGI and session variable that stores the session ID

SESSION_VARIABLE -- get, set or clear a session variable

SET{"name" value="..."} -- set a variable

  • Set a named variable that can be retrieved later with %GET{}%. No output is shown, e.g. %SET{}% resolves to an empty string. The %SET{}% and %GET{}% variables are handled by the SetGetPlugin.
  • Syntax: %SET{ "name" value="..." remember="1" }%
  • Parameters:
Parameter Description Default
"name" Name of variable. Alphanumeric characters, dashes and underscores can be used. (required)
value="..." Value of variable. Escape double quotes with backslash. (required, may be empty)
remember="1" If set, the variable will be stored persistently so that it can be used later in any TWiki topic. See important notes. "0"

SETGETDUMP{...} -- dump persistent variables

  • Dump persistent name/values previously set with %SET{}%. The %SETGETDUMP{}%, %SET{}%, and %GET{}% variables are handled by the SetGetPlugin.
  • Syntax: %SETGETDUMP{ format="..." separator="..." }%
  • Parameters:
Parameter Description Default
format="..." Format output using variables $name and $value "name: $name, value: $value <br />"
separator="..." String used for separating entries "\n"

STARTINCLUDE -- start position of topic text if included

STARTSECTION -- marks the start of a section within a topic

  • Section boundaries are defined with %STARTSECTION{}% and %ENDSECTION{}%.
  • Sections may be given a name to help identify them, and/or a type, which changes how they are used.
    • type="section" - the default, used for a generic section, such as a named section used by INCLUDE.
    • type="include" - like %STARTINCLUDE% ... %STOPINCLUDE% except that you can have as many include blocks as you want (%STARTINCLUDE% is restricted to only one).
    • type="templateonly" - start position of text to be removed when a template topic is used. Use this to embed text that you do not want expanded when a new topic based on the template topic is created. TWikiTemplates has more.
    • type="expandvariables" - start position where TWikiVariables get expanded when a new topic is created. As documented in TWikiTemplates#VariableExpansion, only certain variables get expanded when a new topic based on the template topic is created. All variables get expanded within a "expandvariables" section.
  • Syntax: %STARTSECTION{"name"}% ................... %ENDSECTION{"name"}%
  • Syntax: %STARTSECTION{type="include"}% ........... %ENDSECTION{type="include"}%
  • Syntax: %STARTSECTION{type="templateonly"}% ...... %ENDSECTION{type="templateonly"}%
  • Syntax: %STARTSECTION{type="expandvariables"}% ... %ENDSECTION{type="expandvariables"}%
  • Supported parameters:
Parameter: Description: Default
"name" Name of the section. Must be unique inside a topic. Generated name
type="..." Type of the section; type "section", "include", "templateonly", or "expandvariables" "section"
disablefixlinks="on" Only for named sections: Bypass fixing WikiWord links if section is included from a topic in another web. Fixing links in included text such as from SomeLink to Thisweb.SomeLink is usually desirable so that links in included text still point to the same target. fix links
  • ALERT! Note: If a section is not given a name, it will be assigned one. Unnamed sections are assigned names starting with _SECTION0 for the first unnamed section in the topic, _SECTION1 for the second, etc..
  • ALERT! Note: You can define nested sections. Do not overlap sections. Use named sections to make sure that the correct START and ENDs are matched. Section markers are not displayed when a topic is viewed.
  • Category: DevelopmentVariables, WorkflowAndAutomationVariables

STOPINCLUDE -- end position of topic text if included

URLPARAM{"name"} -- get value of a URL parameter

  • Returns the value of a URL parameter.
  • Syntax: %URLPARAM{"name"}%
  • Supported parameters:
Parameter: Description: Default:
"name" The name of a URL parameter required
newline="$br" Convert newlines in textarea to other delimiters. Variables $br (for <br /> tag), $n (for newline) are expanded. Other text is encoded based on encode parameter. no conversion
encode="off" Turn off encoding. See important security note below encode="safe"
encode="quote" Escape double quotes with backslashes (\"), does not change other characters; required when feeding URL parameters into other TWiki variables. This encoding does not protect against cross-site scripting. encode="safe"
encode="moderate" Encode special characters into HTML entities for moderate cross-site scripting protection: "<", ">", single quote (') and double quote (") are encoded. Useful to allow TWiki variables in comment boxes. encode="safe"
encode="safe" Encode special characters into HTML entities for cross-site scripting protection: "<", ">", "%", single quote (') and double quote (") are encoded. (this is the default)
encode="entity" Encode special characters into HTML entities. See ENCODE for details. encode="safe"
encode="html" Encode special characters into HTML entities. In addition to encode="entity", it also encodes space, newline (\n) and linefeed (\r). Useful to encode text properly in HTML input fields. encode="safe"
encode="url" Encode special characters for URL parameter use, like a double quote into %22 encode="safe"
If set, gets all selected elements of a <select multiple="multiple"> tag. A format can be specified, with $item indicating the element, e.g. multiple="Option: $item" first element
separator=", " Separator between multiple selections. Only relevant if multiple is specified "\n" (newline)
format="..." Format the result. $value expands to the URL parameter. If multiple is specified, $value expands to the result of the concatenated items. "$value"
default="..." Default value in case parameter is empty or missing. The format parameter is not applied. empty string
  • Example: %URLPARAM{"skin"}% returns print for a .../view/TWiki/TWikiVariablesSearch?skin=print URL
  • ALERT! Notes:
    • IMPORTANT: There is a risk that this variable can be misused for cross-site scripting (XSS) if the encoding is turned off. The encode="safe" is the default, it provides a safe middle ground. The encode="entity" is more aggressive, but some TWiki applications might not work.
    • URL parameters passed into HTML form fields should be encoded as "html".
      Example: <input type="text" name="address" value="%URLPARAM{ "address" encode="html" }%" />
    • Double quotes in URL parameters must be escaped when passed into other TWiki variables.
      Example: %SEARCH{ "%URLPARAM{ "search" encode="quotes" }%" noheader="on" }%
    • When used in a template topic, this variable will be expanded when the template is used to create a new topic. See TWikiTemplates#TemplateTopicsVars for details.
    • Watch out for TWiki internal parameters, such as rev, skin, template, topic, web; they have a special meaning in TWiki. Common parameters and view script specific parameters are documented at TWikiScripts.
    • If you have %URLPARAM{ in the value of a URL parameter, it will be modified to %<nop>URLPARAM{. This is to prevent an infinite loop during expansion.
  • Category: DevelopmentVariables, SystemInformationVariables
  • Related: ENCODE, ENTITY, SEARCH, FormattedSearch, QUERYSTRING (this topic)

USERREPORT -- show user reports with profile pictures

  • Show various user reports documented in UserReports
  • Syntax: %USERREPORT{ action="..." ... }%
  • Overview of actions with parameters:
Report action= Parameters
Show a simple list of registered users "user_list" search, limit, sort, reverse
Show the profile picture image of a user "profile_picture" user, height, width, title
Show slim, one line height user boxes "slim_box_start"
"slim_box" or
user, style
users, style
Show small, two line height user boxes "small_box_start"
"small_box" or
user, style
users, style
Show users in business card format "business_card_start"
"business_card" or
user, style
users, style
Show a selector to pick a user,
for use in HTML forms
"select_one_user" name, selected, users
Show rows of checkboxes to select users,
for use in HTML forms
"select_users" name, selected, users, colums, style

VAR{"NAME" ...} -- get a preference value from another web or topic and more

  • Gets the value of a variable in various manners.
    • If the topic parameter is specified, it gets the value of the specified preferences variable in the specified topic. Please note that the WebPreferences of the web of the specified topic is not examined. So the returned value may not be the same as the value of the variable when the specified topic is viewed.
    • If the topic parameter is not specified and the web parameter is specified, it gets the value of the specified preferences variable in the specified web, which means the specified web's WebPreferences is examined for the variable.
    • If the neither the topic nor web parameter is specified, it gets the value of the specified variable in the current context -- the variable can either be a preferences variable or a session variable but cannot be a tag with a tag handler (e.g. %GMTIME%).
      %VAR{"NAME"}% is similar to %NAME%, but they differ if NAME is undefined, in which case %VAR{"NAME"}% is expanded to null (zero width string) while %NAME% remains as is (%NAME%). %VAR{"NAME"}% yields the same value as %IF{"defined NAME" then="$percntNAME$percnt"}% if NAME is a variable, but the latter is cubmersome.
  • Syntax: %VAR{"NAME" ...}%
  • Supported parameters:
Parameter: Description: Default:
"Variable" The name of the variable to be retrieved. If not specified, %VAR{...}% is expanded to null. required
topic="Web.Topic" Specifies the topic in which the specified preferences vaiable is fetched. none
topic="Topic" Same as above, but the web is specified specified explicitly with the web parameter or the current web is specified. none
web="Web" Specifies the web in which the specified preferences variable is fetched. none
default="Value" Specifies the value to be returned if the specified variable is undefined. "" (null string)
ignorenull="on" If specified, a null string ("") value is regarded as undefined. This affects whether or not the value specified by the default parameter is returned. "off"
  • Example 1: To get the members of TWikiAdminGroup, %VAR{"GROUP" topic="%USERSWEB%.TWikiAdminGroup"}%, which expands to TWikiAdminUser, RfoLnx4sam.
  • Example 2: To get %WEBBGCOLOR% of the Main web write %VAR{"WEBBGCOLOR" web="Main"}%, which expands to #FFEFA6
  • Example 3: Let's say you are writing the "foo" skin. And you want to have the users specify a string inserted in the head tag with FOOSKIN_HTML_HEAD_HOOK. That can be achived by the following:
    %VARVAL{"FOOSKIN_HTML_HEAD_HOOK" default="<nop>" ignorenull="on"}%
  • Category: DevelopmentVariables, SystemInformationVariables
  • Related: ALLVARIABLES, WEBPREFSTOPIC (this topic)

Total: 38 variables

Related Topics: UserDocumentationCategory, TWikiVariables, TWikiVariablesWizard, TWikiVariablesQuickStart, SearchHelp

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