GROUPS -- a formatted list of groups

  • Expands to a formatted list of user groups in your TWiki. The variable is intended to be used in TWikiGroups, to allow a group listing for various user mapping managers.
  • Syntax: %GROUPS{"format" ...}%
  • Supported parameters:
Parameter: Description: Default:Sorted descending
sort="on" By default, the members of a group are listed in the same order as in the definition in the group topic. With this parameter, members are listed in the alphabetical order of their wiki names. "off"
memberlimit="" Truncate member list. Specify "all" for full list. "32"
memberseparator="" Separator for members. Standard format tokens are expanded. ", "
separator="" Line separator. Standard format tokens are expanded. "$n" (newline)
format="" Format of one row, may include tokens:
$group - topic name of group
$grouplink - link to group
$members - list of members, up to limit
standard format tokens
"| $grouplink | $members |"
header="" Table header. Standard format tokens are expanded. To omit the header, specify an empty value or "none". "| *Group* | *Members* |"
memberformat="" Format of one member, may include tokens:
$wikiusername - Web.TopicName of user
$wikiname - TopicName of user