Configure AT91Bootstrap - sama5d3xek

Assuming you are at the AT91Bootstrap root directory, you will find a board/sama5d3xek folder which contains several default configuration files:


TIP Tips: nf means to read nandflash, df means to read serial flash, sd means to read mmc card.
TIP Tips: linux means to load linux kernel to RAM, android means to load android kernel to RAM, uboot means to load u-boot to RAM, dt means to load dtb to RAM.

You can configure AT91Bootstrap to load U-Boot binary from NAND flash by doing:

$ make mrproper
$ make sama5d3xeknf_uboot_defconfig
If the configuring process is successful, the .config file can be found at AT91Bootstrap root directory.

Configure AT91Bootstrap - sama5d3_xplained

Assuming you are at the AT91Bootstrap root directory, you will find a configs folder which contains several default configuration files:


TIP Tips: nf means to read nandflash, df means to read serial flash, sd means to read mmc card.
TIP Tips: linux means to load linux kernel to RAM, android means to load android kernel to RAM, uboot means to load u-boot to RAM, dt means to load dtb to RAM.

You can configure AT91Bootstrap to load U-Boot binary from NAND flash by doing:

$ make mrproper
$ make sama5d3_xplainednf_uboot_defconfig
If the configuring process is successful, the .config file can be found at AT91Bootstrap root directory.

Configure AT91Bootstrap - sama5d4ek

Assuming you are at the AT91Bootstrap root directory, you will find a board/sama5d4ek folder which contains several default configuration files:


TIP Tips: nf means to read nandflash, df means to read serial flash, sd means to read mmc card.
TIP Tips: linux means to load linux kernel to RAM, android means to load android kernel to RAM, uboot means to load u-boot to RAM, dt means to load dtb to RAM.

You can configure AT91Bootstrap to load U-Boot binary from NAND flash by doing:

$ make mrproper
$ make sama5d4eknf_uboot_secure_defconfig
If the configuring process is successful, the .config file can be found at AT91Bootstrap root directory.

Configure AT91Bootstrap - at91sam9x5ek

Assuming you are at the AT91Bootstrap root directory, you will find a board/at91sam9x5ek folder which contains several default configuration files:


TIP Tips: nf means to read nandflash, df means to read serial flash, sd means to read mmc card.
TIP Tips: linux means to load linux kernel to RAM, android means to load android kernel to RAM, uboot means to load u-boot to RAM, dt means to load dtb to RAM.

You can configure AT91Bootstrap to load U-Boot binary from NAND flash by doing:

$ make mrproper
$ make at91sam9x5eknf_uboot_defconfig
If the configuring process is successful, the .config file can be found at AT91Bootstrap root directory.

Configure AT91Bootstrap - sama5d4_xplained

Assuming you are at the AT91Bootstrap root directory, you will find a configs folder which contains several default configuration files:


TIP Tips: nf means to read nandflash, df means to read serial flash, sd means to read mmc card.
TIP Tips: uboot means to load u-boot to RAM, secure means to enter into secure mode, every peripherals are accessible.

You can configure AT91Bootstrap to load U-Boot binary from NAND flash by doing:

$ make mrproper
$ make sama5d4_xplainednf_uboot_secure_defconfig
If the configuring process is successful, the .config file can be found at AT91Bootstrap root directory.

Configure AT91Bootstrap - sama5d2_xplained

Assuming you are at the AT91Bootstrap root directory, you will find a configs folder which contains several default configuration files:


TIP Tips: nf means to read nandflash, df means to read serial flash, sd means to read mmc card.

You can configure AT91Bootstrap to load U-Boot binary from SPI flash by doing:

$ make mrproper
$ make sama5d2_xplaineddf_uboot_defconfig
If the configuring process is successful, the .config file can be found at AT91Bootstrap root directory.

Configure AT91Bootstrap - sama5d27_som1_ek

Assuming you are at the AT91Bootstrap root directory, you will find a configs folder which contains several default configuration files:


TIP Tips: qspi means to read quad-SPI serial flash, sd means to read mmc card.

You can configure AT91Bootstrap to load U-Boot binary from SD Card by doing:

$ make mrproper
$ make sama5d27_som1_eksd_uboot_defconfig
If the configuring process is successful, the .config file can be found at AT91Bootstrap root directory.

Configure AT91Bootstrap - sama5d27_wlsom1_ek

Assuming you are at the AT91Bootstrap root directory, you will find a configs folder which contains several default configuration files:


TIP Tips: qspi means to read quad-SPI serial flash, sd means to read mmc card.

You can configure AT91Bootstrap to load U-Boot binary from SD Card by doing:

$ make mrproper
$ make sama5d27_wlsom1_eksd_uboot_defconfig
If the configuring process is successful, the .config file can be found at AT91Bootstrap root directory.

Configure AT91Bootstrap - sama5d29_curiosity

Assuming you are at the AT91Bootstrap root directory, you will find a configs folder which contains several default configuration files:


TIP Tips: qspi means to read quad-SPI serial flash, sd means to read mmc card.

You can configure AT91Bootstrap to load U-Boot binary from SD Card by doing:

$ make mrproper
$ make sama5d29_curiositysd_uboot_defconfig
If the configuring process is successful, the .config file can be found at AT91Bootstrap root directory.

Configure AT91Bootstrap - sama5d2-icp

Assuming you are at the AT91Bootstrap root directory, you will find a configs folder which contains several default configuration files:


TIP Tips: qspi means to read quad-SPI serial flash, sd means to read mmc card.

You can configure AT91Bootstrap to load U-Boot binary from SD Card by doing:

$ make mrproper
$ make sama5d2_icpsd_uboot_defconfig
If the configuring process is successful, the .config file can be found at AT91Bootstrap root directory.

Configure AT91Bootstrap - sama5d2_ptc_ek

Assuming you are at the AT91Bootstrap root directory, you will find a configs folder which contains several default configuration files:


TIP Tips: nf means to read nandflash, sd means to read mmc card.

You can configure AT91Bootstrap to load U-Boot binary from SD Card by doing:

$ make mrproper
$ make sama5d2_ptc_eksd_uboot_defconfig
If the configuring process is successful, the .config file can be found at AT91Bootstrap root directory.

Configure AT91Bootstrap - sam9x60-ek

Assuming you are at the AT91Bootstrap root directory, you will find a configs folder which contains several default configuration files:


TIP Tips: qspi means to read quad-SPI serial flash, sd means to read mmc card, nf means to read nand flash

You can configure AT91Bootstrap to load U-Boot binary from SD Card by doing:

$ make mrproper
$ make sam9x60eksd_uboot_defconfig
If the configuring process is successful, the .config file can be found at AT91Bootstrap root directory.

Configure AT91Bootstrap - sam9x60-curiosity

Assuming you are at the AT91Bootstrap root directory, you will find a configs folder which contains several default configuration files:


TIP Tips: qspi means to read quad-SPI serial flash, sd means to read mmc card, nf means to read nand flash

You can configure AT91Bootstrap to load U-Boot binary from SD Card by doing:

$ make mrproper
$ make sam9x60_curiositysd_uboot_defconfig
If the configuring process is successful, the .config file can be found at AT91Bootstrap root directory.

Configure AT91Bootstrap - sam9x75-curiosity

Assuming you are at the AT91Bootstrap root directory, you will find a configs folder which contains several default configuration files:


TIP Tips: qspi means to read quad-SPI serial flash, sd means to read mmc card, nf means to read nand flash

You can configure AT91Bootstrap to load U-Boot binary from SD Card by doing:

$ make mrproper
$ make sam9x75_curiositysd_uboot_defconfig
If the configuring process is successful, the .config file can be found at AT91Bootstrap root directory.

Pre-built Demo - sama5d3xek

Board Description Binary
sama5d3xek AT91Bootstrap binary as the 2nd level bootloader to download U-Boot image from NandFlash sama5d3xek-nandflashboot-uboot-3.6.0.bin

Pre-built Demo - sama5d3_xplained

Board Description Binary
sama5d3 Xplained AT91Bootstrap binary as the 2nd level bootloader to download U-Boot image from NandFlash sama5d3x_xplained-nandflashboot-uboot-3.6.1.bin

Pre-built Demo - sama5d4ek

Board Description Binary
sama5d4ek AT91Bootstrap binary as the 2nd level bootloader to download U-Boot image from NandFlash
compiled from tag: v3.7

Pre-built Demo - sama5d4_xplained

Board Description Binary
sama5d4_Xplained AT91Bootstrap binary as the 2nd level bootloader to download U-Boot image from NandFlash
compiled from tag: v3.7.1

This section describes how to get source code from the git repository, how to configure with the default configuration, how to customize AT91Bootstrap based on the default configuration and finally to build AT91Bootstrap to produce the binary. take the default configuration to download U-Boot from NandFlash for example.

Get AT91Bootstrap Source Code

You can easily download AT91Bootstrap source code on the at91bootstrap git repository.

To get the source code, you should clone the repository by doing:

$ git clone
Cloning into 'at91bootstrap'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 17621, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (3324/3324), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1029/1029), done.
remote: Total 17621 (delta 2465), reused 3102 (delta 2285), pack-reused 14297
Receiving objects: 100% (17621/17621), 5.65 MiB | 4.65 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (13459/13459), done.
$ cd at91bootstrap/

Configure AT91Bootstrap

Customize AT91Bootstrap

If the default configuration doesn't meet your need, after configuring with the default configuration, you can customize it by doing:
$ make menuconfig
Now, in the menuconfig dialog, you can easily add or remove some features to/from AT91Bootstrap as the same way as kernel configuration.
Move to <Exit> with arrows and press this button hitting the Enter key to exit from this screen.

Build AT91Bootstrap

Then you can build the AT91Bootstrap binary by doing:
$ make

If the building process is successful, the final .bin image is build/binaries/at91bootstrap.bin.